The things that I would do to you with just a couple seconds
I would color every moment, make you feel like it's forever
I'm comin' over, so you can start undressin'
I'm givin' you a chance to finally make a good impression
Verse 1
How can you be sure that you really love someone?
When your heart is arching and you sad the moment you see that other person sad...
That's when you know you love that person
When you attracted to others but you still stick to that person
And when you accept all of that persons flaws because you know that it's a part of who they are...
That's when you know its love
I feel that if two people really love each other
There's obviously going to be conflict and fights that occur Because it just validates that they love each other, It's worth fighting for
You see me in that black dress
On the first date
And I'm causin' frustration on your mind
Only in the best ways
Secretly I'm anxious, 'cause the thirst has never been mutual
It's unusual
That someone like you thinks I'm beautiful
Verse 2
And the most important thing is that even after the fight
The love they have for each other should out weigh everything
All the conflict and all the drama it should, it shouldn't matter what they fight about
At the end of the day the love should still be the same and nothing should change
Verse 3
I believe love is not circumstantial
Its not we love each other as long as we are young
Its not something that fades away with time
And it doesn't change it's something that's always gonna stay the same
And even grow stronger,so we can still love each other when we are 19