Are you climbing the walls but the walls are too high Do you fall to the ground when you reach for the sky Does the picture you have in your mind never turn out right Do the things that you do leave a hole in your soul Is the best you can do always short of the goal And the way it's supposed to be just never is (Chorus) How can you live when nothing's there Something is gone inside you now Look to the Word that says it all Everything will turn out fine Does the fly in the ointment get under your skin Have you had quite enough of the state that you're in
Are you living in style but you find that it leave you cold And the years of your life are just drifting away There is nothing to feel, you have nothing to say But the emptiness on your heart is getting old (Chorus) Does your social position reflect who you are Does the face in the mirror look back from afar And the look in your eyes is of someone you don't know So you're trying to cope with the world on your own And you're still unaware that the way has been shown And the doorway of hope is standing open wide (Chorus)