TU HAS VENDIDO A LA ORILLA (SAILBOAT SONG) Cesareo Gabarain Lord, you came down from the seashore You were not seeking the rich or the wise You only wanted me to go with you Chorus: Oh, Lord, you looked deep in my spirit With a smile, you whispered my name In the sand, I am leaving my sailboat By your side, I will find a new life Lord, you know all my possessions In my sailboat there's no gold nor a sword
There's only fishnet and oars and labor Chorus Lord, my weak hands you've anointed Though torn and weary to bring others to rest My heart I give you, with love unceasing Chorus Lord you're still walking life's beaches Calling disciples to be fishers of men Your blood stained footprints lead to the father Chorus (c)1979 Ediciones Paulinas