If mortal hands gave I the power of the deepest oceans
My quest would strive to fill the world with love devotion's
The romantic legacy of the white crested waves would
Taint the rivers with magic potions
Eagles would kiss rabbits as foxes danced with chickens
All dogs would wake with the Labrador's gentle temperament
The lion king abdicates and all its kind would dine on the same as a cow
No more thieves and pickpockets often wrote about by Dickens
Leaders of the pack would love each other just like brothers
Bullets would change into jelly beans shells like chocolate would melt
Political leaders that rant in a rage would be put in their own little cage
All soldiers would give three cheers and go home to their mothers
The entire world hand in hand would live as one
Freedom and happiness for all, man would realy learn
All religions are all the same, God can speak every language
On earth as is in heaven they would be done