Oh lord, our lord,
How majestic is thy name in all the earth.
Oh lord, our lord,
How majestic is thy name in all the earth.
Thou has displayed thy splendor above the heavens.
Thou has established strength from mouths of infants,
To show all thine enemies.
Oh lord, our lord,
How majestic is thy name in all the earth.
Oh lord, our lord,
How majestic is thy name in all the earth.
For when I consider the heavens the work of thy fingers.
The moon and the sun which thou hast appointed.
For what is man, that thou dost take thought of him,
And the son of man, that thou doest care for him.
Hallelujah lord our lord,
Oh how I love you.
Hallelujah lord our lord,
Oh how I love you.
You've made man a little lower than all of the angels,
And crowned him with glory to rule over your creation.
And under his feet,
You've put the beasts of the field,
The birds of the heavens and what pa**es through the seas,
The birds of the heavens and what pa**es through the sea.
Hallelujah lord our lord,
Oh how I love you.
Hallelujah lord our lord,
Oh how I love you.
Hallelujah lord our lord,
Oh how I love you.
Hallelujah lord our lord,
Oh how I love you