In the Genius story man and women was created so was Garden of Eden
Tree-of-life no one was suppose to eat it
The snake trick women,a innocent, to eating the fruit from the tree
Which made the serpent the villain
By the serpent being the villain causing man and women having a crossroad
Man and women life effect when God vanished man and women from paradise and effect the lives by having to start all over somewhere else
Women gave birth to 2 sons,Cain a farmer and Abel a herdsman
Doing all the hard made Cain and Abel give god "offerings"
Cain brought his new born meat and Abel brought his fresh goods from the fields
Cain got Jealous
The jealously got him to the point where he got have something over Abel meaning the sibling rivalry started
One day Cain brought Abel to the field and k**ed him
Cain brought out the villain in him