She sung of love while o'er her lyre Those rosy rays of evening fell As if to feed with their soft fire The soul within that trembling shell The same rich light hung o'er her cheek And play'd around those lips that sung And spoke as flowers would sing and speak If love could lend their leaves a tongue Whoever loved but had the thought That he and all he loved must part? Fill'd with his fear I flew and caught That fading image to my heart
And cried "oh, love" is this thy doom? Light of youth's resplendent day Must ye then lose your golden gloom And thus like sunshine die away? As if her light and heav'ns were one The glory all had left that frame And from her glimm'ring lips the tone As from a parting spirit came But soon the west no longer burn'd Each rosy ray from heav'n withdrew And when to gaze again I turn'd The minstrel's form seem'd fading, too