But, oh, when shall the morrow be That my true love shall waken? When shall we meet, refined and free Amid the moorland bracken? Full low and lonely is thy bed The worm flies o'er thy pillow Where now the lips, so comely red That kissed me 'neath the willow Lie still, my love, lie still and sleep Long is the night of sorrow The maiden of the mountain deep Shall meet you on the morrow Though moons steal o'er an' seasons fly On time's swift wing, unstaying
Yet there's a spirit in the sky That lives o'er thy decaying In domes beneath the water springs No end hath thy sojourning An' to this land of fading things Far hence be thy returning For spirits no have left the deep Their long last farewell taken Lie still my love lie still and sleep The day is near the breaking The mermaid o'er thy grave shall weep Without one breath of scorning Lie still my love lie still and sleep And fare thee well till morning