Pete is young man Heart full of rain Eyes full of evenings Spent in a dream Grew up in a city where you master your pain Or you end up numb, not feeling Becky is a young woman Heart full of earth Eyes full of mornings Spent without sleeping Grew up in a city where it’s hard to be heard And nothing really has much meaning Pete had his heart broke once. He never fixed it Sits there in his chest With his arms crossed, screwing Becky had her heart broke twice She won’t risk it again She don’t wanna see her heart get ruined And now she’s on her way To wash up and take the orders For spaghetti At Giuseppe’s The café on the corner She did the night shift too A ma**euse at the sauna She’s putting herself through uni It’s hard work [Chorus] But will it be this way forever? These are lonely days What if she could be the one that makes it better? He looks away, can’t hold her gaze But will it be this way forever? These are stressful times What if he could be the one that gets her? She looks away, she’s petrified ‘Now, have you thought about retail?’ ‘Yes, fine with me’ ‘Oh and I can see here that you have a degree’ ‘Yes,’ says Pete, ‘in International Relations.’ ‘Great Let’s see if Primark has space for a placement.’ Becky clears up from the lunch rush Crushed By the blank eyes Impolite customers thrusting Their damp fives Into her palms, she thinks There ain’t no harm in being civil though, Is there? He folds up his job form Gets up from his chair The next person sits down with a similar air Of dejection He walks out, heads in the direction
Of the café on the corner For a coffee and some headroom This guy comes in The first customer to close the door behind him For that alone she likes him He sits at the table by the window Reading, half smiling His hair’s messy and his eyes are shining Can’t think what to say, he just stares blankly Picks up his change, fiddles with his spoon And as he leaves the café he’s consumed With thoughts of her Wishing that he’d got up the guts To try and talk to her [Chorus] It’s Becky’s mate’s birthday They’re out for the night Now, Becky’s mate is the nightmare type She’ll flirt with anyone Scream at the top of her voice But it’s her birthday so Becky Don’t really have a choice He sees her in the queue He doesn’t know what to do She’s more beautiful than he remembers Then she says ‘Alright?’ And he tries to say something funny But stutters And now he feels like a muppet and blushes (No, No, No) Inside it’s the usual scene They’re dancing at the bar, waiting to get served Becky’s mate’s screaming about something absurd And they’re all fake laughing Even though nobody heard a word So now he’s hunting around the room Staring into every booth The back of every head could be hers It’s no use He stops by the bar, thinking Man, I’ll never find her And then he realises that he’s standing beside her He stands there awkward His eyes are as loud as the ba** And she can recognise something in his face She scribbles down her number Lingering glance And lets herself think Maybe this could be her chance [Chorus]