Well if your stinking on your luck and nearly falling in
Call right up
Don't be thinking JJ won't be listening
Call right up and say it
Nothing is overdue if you pursue to fix it
Call right up and say it.
Won't be long the trouble be gone I promise you
Stand right up and say it.
Rebel don't be crying.
Cause squawking gonna walk and lose.
Rebel don't be cary on.
Thinking your never gonna win.
Well if there's no-one at the number when you're calling
Take one herb and say it
He's the only one to stop you falling in .
Take one herb and say it
Once and you'll never stop remembering the call if you
Take one herb and say it
It won't be long the trouble be gone I promise you
Take one herb and say it
Rebel don't be crying.
Cause squawking gonna walk and lose.
Rebel don't be cary on.
Thinking your never gonna win.
Rebel don't be lying
When your telling yourself you talk the truth.
Rebel don't be carry on
Thinking you're never gonna win