Sam Pierson sat in his prison reflecting on what he did wrong. Well, he thought about what the elders considered wrong. He knew he would be caught eventually, but not this soon. Sam was a good person, he always did what he was told and got his job done. He never thought anyone would be monitoring him. Worst part of it was that his brother got a reason to gloat. While he sat and reflected on his evolvement with Shey, he also thought of a way to try to escape. He didn't belong in the dark prison. He needed to find a way out so that he could go and talk to his father, Michael Pierson. My father wouldn't lock me up without giving me a reason why. Sam thought to himself. Attempting to open the clouds beneath him, he whispered, “Prin cuvintele de un înger, deschis.” The clouds responded by opening a sliver. This was barely enough to cut through the darkness. When the clouds didn't move anymore, he tried speaking again. Instead of expanding further, they just closed in his face with a rumble. For a second he thought the clouds were laughing at him for failing. With the darkness surrounding him again, he threw up his arms in the air and yelled, “Where is the justice!” Then slouched forward and put his head between his legs. “Samuel, Samuel, Samuel,” came a voice from the dark. “Did you really think I was going to let you get out that easy?” Sam lifted his head up to stare at the speaker, who had green eyes and a voice identical to his own.
“I would say that it is nice to see you Gabe, but that would be a lie.” Sam said to his twin. “Don't call me Gabe! How dare you use a mortal's name on me?” Gabrial was furious. He was above humans; it was Samuel who chose to act like one of them. “Whoa boy, calm down.” Sam put up his hands to cover his face. “I didn't mean to make you mad.” That was a lie. Sam knew how his brother felt about humans; he just found it amusing to piss him off. “Don't even—“ Gabrial took a deep breath and pinched his nose. “Never mind, I didn't come up here to fight with you.” A smile spread across his face. “But, you knew that didn't you?” Of course, Sam knew why his brother came to see him locked up. Gabe was jealous of his brother, and seeing him caged was fun for him. “Dear brother of mine, we used to be so close to each other. What happened?” Sam was hoping that he could appeal to Gabe's sensitive side, if he had one. “I miss those days. Why don't you let me out of here and we can work on making things the way they used to be.” Gabe's laugh thundered through the room. “Those pretty words may work on father, but I'm not blind like him when it comes to you. You are a waste of a pair of wings. You don't deserve to be up here and I will make sure you never are again.”