I'll sing you a song about two true lovers, from Southampton town they came The young man's name was William Taylor, the young la**'s name was Sarah Jane [Chorus] Fol the diddle um, day oh a ride oh Fol the diddle um, dum a dair rye day Going to church for to get married, Sarah was dressed in rich array William knew that he loved another, so he fled and went to sea [Chorus] Fol the diddle um, day oh a ride oh Fol the diddle um, dum a dair rye day Sarah dressed in sailor's clothing, sailor's clothing she put on She's gone to find her own true lover, for to find him she has gone [Chorus] Fol the diddle um, day oh a ride oh Fol the diddle um, dum a dair rye day On the ship there was a battle, she was one among the rest Her jacket quickly fell to pieces, sailors spied a lady dressed [Chorus] Fol the diddle um, day oh a ride oh Fol the diddle um, dum a dair rye day The captain asked what brought her here, and to him well she did say "I've come to find my own cruel William, he left on our wedding day" [Chorus] Fol the diddle um, day oh a ride oh
Fol the diddle um, dum a dair rye day "If your lover's William Taylor, it happens that I know him well He's living with a rich young la**ie, in the Isle of Man they dwell" [Chorus] Fol the diddle um, day oh a ride oh Fol the diddle um, dum a dair rye day "Rise up early in the morning, and walk down by the silvery strand There you'll find your own cruel William, walking and holding his lover's hand" [Chorus] Fol the diddle um, day oh a ride oh Fol the diddle um, dum a dair rye day Sarah rose in the morning early, a brace of pistols she did command She fired and she shot her William Taylor, with his bride at his right hand [Chorus] Fol the diddle um, day oh a ride oh Fol the diddle um, dum a dair rye day Then the captain was well pleased, he was well pleased by what she done Soon she became a bold commander of the captain and his men [Chorus] Fol the diddle um, day oh a ride oh Fol the diddle um, dum a dair rye day Fol the diddle um, day oh a ride oh Fol the diddle um, dum a dair rye day