They say that chivalry's dead, but I see chivalry everyday I see men holding doors open for their ladies standing in the rain They say all the good men are gone with the wind, but I see good men all the time I see fellas helping friends pay the rent and the bills that got behind And I wanna keep it alive To be good to my mama and good to my wife So when folks say there ain't no noble men left They'll have to look at me and know; they'll know Chivalry's not dead As long as we try to keep it alive Chivalry's not dead There's men that lose it all and got mouths to feed and they're patient through it all He holds his hands up high and his head real low as he whispers a prayer to God If there's any doubt about the men we've got or the men of recent times Remember Malcolm and Nelson and Nartin and Hanson spoke truth through all the lies
And I wanna keep it alive To be good to my mama and good to my wife So when folks say there ain't no noble men left They'll have to look at me and know; they'll know Chivalry's not dead As long as we try to keep it alive Chivalry's not dead It's gonna survive as long as we try Chivalry's not dead I see firefighters rushing into the blaze And I see Oklahoma cowboys kissing their babes And I ain't saying we don't need a few more But the ones that try I don't wanna ignore And I wanna keep it alive To be good to my mama and good to my wife So when folks say there ain't no noble men left They'll have to look at me and know; they'll know Chivalry's not dead Chivalry's not dead Be the chilvalry you wanna see widespread And the reason the skeptics say "Chivalry's not dead" "Chivalry's not dead" "Chivalry's not dead"