All K-OS Albums
01 Master T's Reggae Vibes Session 1 (2016)
02 Can't Fly Without Gravity (2015)
03 BLack On BLonde (2013)
04 The Anchorman Mixtape (2010)
05 Yes! (2009)
06 Atlantis: Hymns For Disco (2006)
- AquaCity Boy
- Aquacityboy
- Ballad Of Noah
- black Ice - Hymn 4 Disco
- black Ice - Hymn for Disco
- Born To Run
- CatDieseL
- Chocolate Chewing Gum
- Chocolate Chewing Gum (Excerpt)
- ELEctrik HeaT - the seekwiLL
- Equalizer
- FlyPaper
- Funky Country
- Funky Country (Drive with Her to the Yukon)
- Funky Country* <i>US bonus track</i>
- Highway 7
- Mirror In The Sky
- Sunday Morning
- The Ballad of Noah
- The Rain
- Valhalla
07 Andante Extra (2005)
08 Joyful Rebellion (2004)
09 Exit (2002)
- Call Me
- Entrance
- EXIT (Call Me)
- Fantastique
- Follow Me
- Freeze
- Heaven Only Knows
- Higher
- Masquerade
- Neutroniks
- Patience
- Superstar Part 1 (Yoshua's Song)
- Superstar, Pt. 1
- Superstar, Pt. 2 (Babylon Girl)
- Superstarr Pt. 2
- Superstarr, Part 1 (Yoshua's Song)
- Superstarr, Part 2 (Babylon Girl)
- Superstarr, Part Zero
- The Anthem