A ghaoil, leig dhachaigh gum mhàthair mi;
A ghràidh, leig dhachaigh gum mhàthair mi;
A ghaoil, leig dhachaigh gum mhàthair mi -
An tòir chrodh-laoigh a thàine mi.
Gur ann a-raoir a chuala mi
Mo ghaol a bhith ri buachailleachd,
'S ged fhuair thu 'n iomall na buaile mi,
A ghaoil, leig dhachaigh mar fhuair thu mi.
'S mi dìreadh ris na gàrraidhean,
'S a' teàrnadh ris na fàirichean,
Gun d' thachair fleasgach bàigheil rium,
'S cha d' dh' fheuch e bonn ga chàirdeis rium.
Ged bheireadh tu crodh agus caoraich dhomh,
Ged bheireadh tu eachaibh air thaodaibh dhomh,
Ged bheireadh tu sin agus daoine dhomh,
A ghaoil, leig dhachaigh mar fhuair thu mi.
Trodaidh m' athair 's mo mhàthair riut,
Trodaidh mo chinneadh 's mo chàirdean riut,
Ach marbhaidh mo thriùir bhràithrean thu
Mura tèid mi dhachaigh mar thàine mi.
Gheall mo mhàthair gùn thoirt dhomh,
Gheall i ribean a b' ùire dhomh,
Is gheall i breacan ùr thoirt dhomh
Ma thèid mi dhachaigh mar fhuair thu mi.
Love, let me home to my mother
Darling, let me home to my mother
Love, let me home to my mother
I only came for the cattle.
It was only last night
That I heard that my love was herding
And though you found me at the perimeter of the cattle fold
Love, let me home as you found me.
I was clambering up the dykes
And descending the ridges
When a friendly lad met me
And he did not enforce his friendship on me.
Though you were to give me cattle and sheep
Though you were to give me tethered horses
Though you were to give me that and men
Love, let me home as you found me.
My mother and father will chastise you
My clan and my relatives will chastise you
But my three brothers will k** you
If I don't return home as I came.
My mother promised me a gown
Decorated with the newest of ribbons
And she promised me a new plaid
If I return home the way you found me.