Compliments make me uncomfortable Am I allowed to say I don't agree without making it seem like I'm feigning humility or deeply insecure I am fine I promise but I still don't know what to say my voice is okay yeah I lost some weight but I think that it's strange to comment on anything that I can't change oh oh ohhhhh manners are lost on me I find it exhaustingly pointless to be so polite I'd rather just fight get it out of your system
so we can move on I can take it I'm strong oh oh ohhhh Birthdays are bogus yeah I hardly notice another year comes to an end I don't know my friends' or my family's only my mother's she lets me know about all of the others and I'm sorry I don't know the days of the week let alone when you came to the world, so to speak I do, I care about you just not on the day I'm especially 'sposed to oh oh ohhhh