Thanks to Jason Shapiro, Sam Bottner, Bryanna Bennett, and anybody else who has performed with JJ&E over the years. Thanks to our families and friends for the love and support. Thank you for buying this tape and for supporting our pretentious art project. I'm sitting in an armchair in the lounge of my college dorm. I'm sitting and I'm writing this. Right now, my roommate is fast asleep. He has synesthesia. When he hears music, he can visualize it as a color. He listened to this record and told me that it is "overwhelmingly orange". Since he told me that, I hear its orangeness every time I listen to the album. My partner told me that the music I make is orange, and that was before they even heard any of the finished songs on the album. As I listen to "Pottery Wheel" in a green armchair in a room with green carpets and green walls, I try to hear the greenness in the music. Still, all I hear is orange. I put on Teenage Fanclub and visualize it as being pink, then I realize that's probably because the album cover is pink. Maybe I'm too impressionable. Maybe it's impossible for me to understand how synesthesia works. Maybe I'm just hopped up on stimulant and amphetamines and I'm overthinking all of this. I should finish my work and go to bed. Tomorrow's totally gonna blow. Oh man. I'm so royally f**ed. I hope Bryan is doing well right now. He's such a nice boy.
Enjoy the record!