The epic hero monomyth is a cyclical journey or quest undertaken by a mythical hero. The epic hero monomyth includes the Status Quo, Call to Adventure, Assistance, Departure, Trials, Approach, Crisis, Treasure, Result, Return, New Life, Resolution, and Return to Status Quo. Luke Skywalker and Spiderman fulfill the epic hero monomyth because they both go through all the steps in the cycle; they're both hero's, and both always win. Luke sky walker fulfills the hero monomyth in many ways. For example like sky walker begins his life as a normal ordinary kid in the farm, all bored and stuff. This is important because this represents the status quo stage of likes (hero) momomyth. Another stage is when Luke is totally depressed after (obi-wan) his master is k**ed. This is interesting because this reaches the crisis stage which means he is almost or even is defeated. Spiderman shows and personalizes the hero monomyth in a lot of ways. For instant, peter is a normal kid in a city who goes to school and gets bullied around because he's a nerd. This is important because this is when peter shows the status quo when he was a normal before being a hero. This other stage is when peter confronts and fights the green goblin after rejecting his offer of getting on his side. This is important because peter approaches his enemy green goblin in the approach stage of the hero monomyth.
Both of these two heroes' make really good role models for me, but only only one is the better one for me. Peter would be a better role model for me than Luke sky walker. He's a better role model for me because, he fought for good and not for evil and because he fought for the girl of his dreams. Peter is better because he started by being a nobody in school to being the hero of New York that everyone knows as Spiderman. This shows the status quo when peter is a nobody and it also shows the treasure when peter is the hero of New York that everyone knows as Spiderman. In conclusion, these were some stages of the epic hero monomyth on Luke Skywalker and Spiderman. Overall Spiderman as the best role model for me. These two had every stage and they're both very similar. So this is it for this epic hero monomyth of these two Heros.