The Hall of Fame voters have no idea what they're talking about they need me on the panel to explain the ped era. What are they afraid of If moike Piazza who used steroids is in the Hall of Fame Pudge Rodriguez definitely belongs in the Hall of Fame much better catcher I could easily clean up the Hall of Fame voting system if they would just contact me what are they afraid of the truth Why don't these Hall of Fame voters get a panel of players that played in the PE Tiara and have them fix the problem These so-called Hall of Fame voters need me to educate them on the the ped era and how to figure out the voting by inside information
People who cannot handle the truth or do not want to hear the truth are extremely corrupt Corruption is doing nothing when an injustice is being done Tom verducci's ballot for the Hall of Fame what an idiot he said that Jeff Bagwell never use steroids you have got to be kidding me right The only people who should be able to vote on the Hall of Fame are the players themselves from that era who understood the era