God rest ye merry, gentlemen Let nothing you dismay Remember, Christ, our Saviour Was born on Christmas day To save us all from Satan's power When we were gone astray O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy O tidings of comfort and joy From God our Heavenly Father A blessed Angel came; And unto certain Shepherds Brought tidings of the same: How that in Bethlehem was born The Son of God by Name O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy O tidings of comfort and joy
And when they came to Bethlehem Where our dear Saviour lay They found Him in a manger Where oxen feed on hay; His Mother Mary kneeling down Unto the Lord did pray O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy O tidings of comfort and joy Now to the Lord sing praises All you within this place And with true love and brotherhood Each other now embrace; This holy tide of Christmas All other doth deface O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy O tidings of comfort and joy