Nipper Sampler Festering
Away favorly using feelers
Not a field spare, just a
Glittery glimmer. An Oyster
Packer. No paper tigers
No ramblers, No gobblers
Scour scripture sculpture screaming
Saltwater Salamander registrar
For the evening dead soldier Decatur
Mature matter might flounder
Gibber, or fester obscurely offshore
There was a gunner, a grafter
A gusher in Hanover and the
Swindler made it free savory
In the future he see's sea power
Scalars fleering there flippers
No fiddlers, No fig eaters. No filler
Just a fixed star, a s**er
And an unconventional screamer
To the brave soldiers, It's all
Flatware Flavor
Jonathan Twilley, Breaking Limited 2017