I believe In Christ
I was the one who faced the judging stones
I was the woman at the well alone
I was the one who knelt at his feet
I was the blind man in the street
I was the one who yelled crucify Him
And the same one who said I'd never deny Him
I believe in Christ
No other before Him
And though I may fail
I'll never leave Him
For me
He laid down His life
Oh I, I believe in Christ
I was the one who touched the hem of his robe
I was the one who washed His feet
I was the one who ate of His bread
Drank of his cup, then touched His hand
I was the thief who cried remember me
And the soldier who said surely He must be
I believe in Christ
No other before Him
And though I may fail
I'll never leave Him
For me
He laid down His life
Oh I, I believe in Christ
For it was these eyes He opened
It was this heart He set free
It was this soul He's forgiven
And I choose to believe
I believe in Christ
No other before Him
And though I may fail
I'll never leave Him
For me
He laid down His life
Oh I, I believe in Christ