Well, you can drop me off in limbo on your way to West Hill [Hell?]
I will give your regards to the moon and the stars
From the bottom of a wishing well
Sounds like you heard all my secrets
On that inside track
Oh I laid it all bare, I left nothing to spare
And I'm never gonna take it back But if you ever need for me to steal something for you
Just call my name on that inside track
You know my secrets and you got my number
I cross my heart that I'll never take it back Just like a palm wine drunkard playing ghost guitar
I will shake you right down and take you right back
To the place where you already are
Let's get that sweet little girl
Back on the [...] grew up on
Would you crank it up high, would you shoot out the lights
Would you hand me down my Stratotone? But if you ever need for me to steal something for you
Just call my name, on that inside track
You know my secrets and you got my number
I cross my heart I'll never take it back