Every metal has a similar Atomic Structure
In the solid state the atoms are close packed
The consequent crystal structure of metals
Endues them with a range of common properties.
All metals conduct heat and electricity - and....
They are shiny - sonorous and strong - but they....
Are also malleable (sheets) and ductile (wires) .
Metals are awesome materials they have high....
Tensile and compressive strength.
All metals are very very precious.
Gold and Silver for beautiful j**ellery
Copper for use in electrical circuitry
Aluminium and Magnesium for aircraft,
Metals are essential for life in flora and fauna.
Modern technology depends on Steel.
Iron is the mother metal of Steel.
Carbon is required to make it hard
Tungsten is required to make it tough
Nickel is needed to make it magnetic
Chromium is required to make it stainless.
Steel and other alloys are needed for....
Steel framed buildings - cars and ships.
Never take metals for granted some metals.....
Like copper are in short supply and increasing.....
Amounts of Uranium are needed for Nuclear
Power Stations - because fossil fuels are depleted.
Please recycle metals - steel and aluminium cans.....
We will always need metals - today & forever