The Levy home stood among the pines on a small rise overlooking the gray waters of Bay St. Louis. The exterior was an example of elegant rusticity; the interior was a successful attempt at keeping the rustic out entirely, a permanently seventy five-degree womb connected to the year round air conditioning unit by an umbilicus of vents and pipes that silently filled the rooms with filtered and reconstituted Gulf of Mexico breezes and exhaled the Levys' carbon dioxide and cigarette-smoke and ennui. The central machinery of the great life giving unit throbbed somewhere in the acoustically tiled bowels of the home, like a Red Cross instructor giving cadence in an artificial respiration cla**, “In comes the good air, out goes the bad air, in comes the good air.” The home was as sensually comfortable as the human womb supposedly is. Every chair sank several inches at the lightest touch, foam and down surrendering abjectly to any pressure. The tufts of the acrylic nylon carpets tickled the ankles of anyone kind enough to walk on them. Beside the bar what looked like a radio dial would, upon being turned, make the lighting throughout the house as mellow or as bright as the mood demanded. Located throughout the house within easy walking distance of one another were contour chairs, a ma**age table, and a motorized exercising board whose many sections prodded the body with a motion that was at once gentle yet suggestive. Levy's Lodge that was what the sign at the coast road said was a Xanadu of the senses; within its insulated walls there was something that could gratify anything. Mr. and Mrs. Levy, who considered each other the only ungratifying objects in the home, sat before their television set watching the colors merge together on the screen. “Perry Como's face is all green,” Mrs. Levy said with great hostility. “He looks like a corpse. You'd better take this set back to the shop.” “I just brought it back from New Orleans this week,” Mr. Levy said, blowing on the black hairs of his chest that he could see throughthe V of his terry cloth robe. He had just taken a steam bath and wanted to dry himself completely. Even with year-round air conditioning and central heating one could never be sure. “Well, take it back again. I'm not going to go blind looking at a broken TV.” “Oh, shut up. He looks all right.” “He does not look all right. Look how green his lips are.” “It's the makeup those people use.” “You mean to tell me they put green makeup on Como's lips?” “I don't know what they do.” “Of course you don't,” Mrs Levy said, turning her aquamarine lidded eyes toward her husband, who was submerged somewhere among the pill ows of a yellow nylon couch. She saw some terry cloth and a rubber shower clog at the end of a hairy leg. “Don't bother me,” he said. “Go play with your exercising board.” “I can't get on that thing tonight. My hair was done today.” She touched the high plasticized curls of her platinum hair. “The hairdresser told me that I should get a wig, too,” she said. “What do you want with a wig? Look at all the hair you've got already.” “I want a brunette wig. That way I can change my personality.” “Look, you're already a brunette anyway, right? So why don't you let your hair grow out naturally and buy a blonde wig?” “I hadn't thought of that.” “Well, think about it for a while and keep quiet. I'm tired. When I went into town today I stopped at the company. That always makes me depressed.” “What's happening there?” “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” “That's what I thought,” Mrs. Levy sighed. “You've thrown your father's business down the drain. That's the tragedy of your life.” “Christ, who wants that old factory? Nobody's buying the kind of pants they make anymore. That's all my father's fault. When pleats came in in the thirties, he wouldn't change over from plain-front trousers. He was the Henry Ford of the garment industry. Then when the plain front came back in the fifties,he started making trousers with pleats. Now you should see what Gonzalez calls ‘the new summer line.' They look like those balloon pants the clowns wear in circuses. And the fabric. I wouldn't use it for a dishrag myself.”
“When we were married, I idolized you, Gus. I thought you had drive. You could have made Levy Pants really big. Maybe even an office in New York. It was handed all to you and you threw it away.” “Oh, stop all that crap. You're comfortable.” “Your father had character. I respected him.” “My father was a very mean and cheap man, a little tyrant. I had some interest in that company when I was young. I had plenty interest. Well, he destroyed all that with his tyranny. So far as I'm concerned, Levy Pants is his company. Let it go down the drain. He blocked every good idea I had for that firm just to prove that he was the father and I was the son. If I said, ‘Pleats,' he said, ‘No pleats! Never!' If I said, ‘Let's try some of the new synthetics,' he said, ‘Synthetics over my dead body.'” “He started peddling pants in a wagon. Look what he built that into. With your start you could have made Levy Pants nationwide.” “The nation is lucky, believe me. I spent my childhood in those pants. Anyway, I'm tired of listening to you talk. Period.” “Good. Let's keep quiet. Look, Como's lips are turning pink.” “You've never been a father figure to Susan and Sandra.” “The last time Sandra was home, she opened herpurse to get cigarettes and a pack of rubbers falls on the floor right at my feet.” “That's what I'm trying to say to you. You never gave your daughters an image. No wonder they're so mixed up. I tried with them.” “Listen, let's not discuss Susan and Sandra. They're away at college. We're lucky we, don't know what's going on. When they get tired, they'll marry some poor guy and everything will be all right.” “Then what kind of a grandfather are you going to be?” “I don't know. Let me alone. Go get on your exercising board, get in the whirlpool bath. I'm enjoying this show.” “How can you enjoy it when the faces are all discolored.” “Let's not start that again.” “Are we going to Miami next month?” “Maybe. Maybe we could settle there.” “And give up everything we have?” “Give up what? They can fit your exercising board in a moving van.” “But the company.” “The company has made all the money it's ever going to make. Now is the time to sell.” “It's a good thing your father's dead. He should have lived to see this.” Mrs. Levy gave the shower shoe a tragic glance. “Now I guess you'll spend all your time at the World Series or the Derby or Daytona. It's a real tragedy, Gus. A real tragedy.” “Don't try to make a big Arthur Miller play out of Levy Pants.” “Thank goodness I'm around to watch over you. Thank goodness I have an interest in that company. How's Miss Trixie? I hope she's still relating and functioning pretty well.” “She's still alive, and that's saying a lot for her.” “At least I have an interest in her. You would have thrown her out in the snow long ago.” “The woman should have been retired long ago.” “I told you retirement will k** her. She must be made to feel wanted and loved. That woman's a real prospect for psychic rejuvenation. I want you to bring her out here someday. I'd like to really get to work on her.” “Bring that old bag here? Are you nuts? I don't want a reminder of Levy Pants snoring in my den. She'll wet all over your couch. You can play with her by long distance.” “How typical,” Mrs. Levy sighed. “How I've stood this heartlessness through the years I'll never know.” “I've already let you keep Trixie at the office, where I know she must drive that Gonzalez nuts all day long. When I went there this morning everybody was on the floor. Don't ask me what they were doing. It could have been anything.” Mr. Levy whistled through his teeth. “Gonzalez is on the moon, as usual, but you should see this other character working in there. I don't know where they got him from. You wouldn't believe your eyes, believe me. I'm afraid to guess what those three clowns do in that office all day long. It's a wonder nothing's happened already.”