You don't have to hold it all inside you Or try to keep your feeling's hid You don't need to bottle your emotions Up the way your daddy did I can see inside you're hurtin' Even though your eyes are dry But if a tear rolls down your cheek Honey, that don't mean you're weak You're just strong enough to cry Chorus They're not just little drops of water That show the way you feel They turn coal into diamonds And iron into steel I know you think you'll be weaker
If a tear falls from your eye Oh, but you don't understand A woman needs a man Who's strong enough to cry Every rock that we lean on It isn't just shaped out of stone It didn't get that way by sittin' There dry as a bone It took a million years of changin' As the rain fell on it from the sky So if you wanna be that rock for me Honey, I need you to be Strong enough to cry Repeat Chorus Baby you don't understand This woman needs a man