SAW ye Johnny comin?' quo' she,
'Saw ye Johnny comin?
Wi' his blue bonnet on his head,
And his doggie runnin.
Yestreen about the gloamin time
I chanced to see him comin,
Whistling merrily the tune
That I am a' day hummin,' quo' she,
'I am a' day hummin.'
'Fee him, faither, fee him,' quo' she,
'Fee him, faither, fee him;
A' the wark about the house
Gaes wi' me whan I see him:
A' the wark about the house,
I gang sae lightly through it;
And though ye pay some merks o' geer,
Hoot! ye winna rue it,' quo' she,
'No; ye winna rue it.'
'What wad I do wi' him, hizzy?
What wad I do wi' him?
He's ne'er a sark upon his back,
And I hae nane to gie him.'
'I hae twa sarks into my kist,
And ane o' them I'll gie him;
And for a merk o' mair fee,
O, dinna stand wi' him,' quo' she,
'Dinna stand wi' him.'
'Weel do I lo'e him,' quo' she,
'Weel do I lo'e him,
The brawest lads about the place
Are a' but haverels to him.
O fee him, faither; lang I trow
We've dull and dowie been;
He'll haud the plough, thrash i' the barn,
And crack wi' me at e'en,' quo' she,
'Crack wi' me at e'en.'