It was 1967, I was watching a TV show When the glowing screen went blank I looked out of my window I saw 27 crows perched on my antenna In the gla** a familiar face appeared A man whose name I don't remember Now mother's milk is dandy When you're a little baby But as the wheels of time grind you down You get a taste for that stranger candy Back in December of 81 I saw my dear old friend John Fall down drunk at the Christmas parade With his children looking on His wife she'd lost her mind She was committed for a time She took refuge when they set her free In some weird eastern philosophy Yeah, that mother's milk is dandy When you're a little baby But as the wheels of time grind you down You get a taste for stranger candy
This life they say is hard But still it's all you know You can close your eyes and try to run away But pray, where will you go? Yeah, life is all you know d**h is dark and strange It's the near and worrisome voice you hear Forever calling out your name As I was walking down the street Last week in Portland Oregon I found the last of many keys I lost I picked it up and I grinned 'Cause sometimes them crows take flight And if you can shoo em from your brain You will find yourself in the nick of time Calling the devil by his name Calling the devil by his name Yeah, mother's milk is dandy When you're a little baby But as the wheels of time grind you down You get a taste, just a little taste for that stranger candy