I've got the foot achin' blues, mama, my corn hurts me all the time
I've got the foot achin' blues, and my corns hurts me all the time
'Cause the gal I love is always on my mind
My dog got the measles, what's the matter with my cat?
My dog got the measles, what's the matter with my cat?
He's sittin' in the corner, tryin' to charm a rat
My woman left this mornin' with her suitcase in 'er hand
My woman left this mornin' with her suitcase in 'er hand
I wouldn't hate it so bad, but she's gone with another man
Listen, good people, I'll tell you what your friends will do
Now, listen, good people, I'll tell you what you friends will do
They will sleep and eat at your house and take your good gal from you
I can't sleep, cain't rest nowhere I go
I can't sleep, babe, cain't rest nowhere I go
Always remember, you got to reap just what you sow
I love you, honey, and will love you all my life
I love you, honey, will love you all my life
Papa Jim Jackson cain't let the same bee sting him twice