In my chest I have a cage Wrapped with a golden wreath In the cage I have a a bird Can't present it to give it For the moment You return to me In the bird There's a heart Keeps surrender her feathers Int he heart There's the song It makes me feel like we're together For the moment We're together My boo My boo My boo My boo In the song There's a flame Burning the length of a candle In the flame There's wish Soon to be holding my hand In the moment You return to me In my hand There's a love Like a long awaited letter In the love There's a road One that you and I walk together In the moment
You return to me My boo My boo My boo My boo My boo My boo In this darkened heart of mine Your love shined a light for me When you're gone In pain and all And write this song for us all to know Don't go And don't go Don't go Down the road There's a house Under a milkyway sky In the house There's a room Where I will wait through the long night For the moment You will return to me In the room There's a bed Under a milky roof of daisies In the bed Brand new boo Careful to not wake the baby In the moment You return to me My boo My boo My boo My boo My boo My boo My boo My boo