Now this song employ the use of numbers What I'll do is have a volunteer give me a number And I'll take that number and make a verse for a song out of it Now if someone will give a number between twenty and twenty two I'll show you what I mean (twenty one) it's very good first time twenty one Well twenty one take away nine twelve little children standin' in the line From that take two that leaves you ten take away eight you got two again Yeah you got two again you got two again You used to love me once and now you got two again You got two again you got two again You used to love me once and now you got two again
I see how easy it was the second verse And if someone to give me a number between twelve and fourteen I'll make the verse (thirteen) thirteen huh thirteen Well thirteen multiply by one you still got thirteen but wadn't that fun Now take the same thirteen multiply by two twenty six hours the train's overdue Yeah you got two again you got two again... 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 happy people devided by one leave nothing nothing none Yeah you got two again you got two again... You used to love me once and now you got two again You used to love me once and now you got two again