April 5th, 2015 You know how we as humanity Are obsessed with our own importance And we're terrified that something could suddenly wipe out our very existence So we build seed vaults at Svalbard We send golden records into space And well, this is where my idea comes in for a sci-fi story This is where my idea comes in for a sci-fi story Imagine the reverse scenario: We decided to erase ourselves From the largest skyscrapers and monuments To molecules and cells If we did then what would be the reason for such a full-scale self-delusion Well, this is as far I've come with my idea for a sci-fi story This is as far I've come with my idea for a sci-fi story I started shopping the story around like a conversational tidbit I'd wait for a good point to bring it up See what the other person would make of it It triggered something interesting My friends all started opening their ideas that directly reflected what was on their mind without their knowing
And I got lots of ideas for my sc-fi story Lots and lots and lots of ideas for my sc-fi story Joseph mentioned the positions of stars I didn't know he was so into the astrological Stella brought up the human mind Revealed an interest in the psychological Jennifer said, "Aren't we already doomed?" Oh, Jen, you're too cynical Barbak mentioned hope for a new beginning Babak, you see the best in us all I asked my friend, Julian Gave him the premise of my story He said, "Have you ever been in love with someone who's made you feel sorry for who you are? Made you want to obliterate yourself to please her or him? Maybe we've met some civilization that treats us in this fashion." Then he didn't say anything as if, "Let's go for a walk," I say, "How've things been lately? Are you okay? Forget about the sci-fi story Let's just get a coffee and talk I head 'round the corner there's a new cafe."