September 13th, 2015 It took a while before I learned to love London Until I saw it in daytime The parks and the buildings bathing in sunshine Until I saw something a little different The music venues and rock bands Had never truly given London a chance Instead of seeing floors covered in wall-to-wall carpet I was blinded by sunflowers at the flower market Instead of spending money on things soon to be forgotten I saw Rebecca Horn's work at Tate Modern But somewhere in the streets around Chancery Lane Next to the wall in an opening where one could hide from the rain If one was homeless and sleeping [?] There were now spikes on the ground as if the ground itself was saying, "f** off!" Oh, hostile architecture, hostile architecture
Keep the unwanted elements out of the pretty picture Hostile architecture, hostile architecture When seeing the problem doesn't make it any better And it's not just London, it's happening everywhere Benches you can sleep on, all these spaces where You have to buy something just to have a seat I thought we the people were the rightful owners of our streets One thing I've learned to love about London Is everything that's free Walking through the parks of the city With my baby beside me The wind beats off history In an old cemetery The coolness of a library The music echoing from a balcony Mmm, the fox sneaking off with a hot dog 'tween its teeth