journal entry six 09/18/13 the book i read was flag of our father and it was about how these guys would fight the Japanese for the Iowa Jima island and how many of this soldier were close to each other but many do not make out the fight and i was reading almost to the last chapter how the marines won the fight and the Japanese render there weapons and the land. once they have won they are trying to get all the bodies and how hard it was to see them all their friends dead and how some committed suicide.
09/19/13 i read how New York was the capital of murders with 515 homicides and Chicago with 431 but this was in 2011, but now Chicago took first place with 519 murders and New York with 419. and how 1 out 1,613 is getting k**. according to the FBI 69.3 percent involved a firearm, crime when up by one percent.