All Jeff Danna Mychael Danna Albums
01 Storks: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2016)
- Bored, Bored, Bored *
- Boss *
- Defusing Diamond Destiny *
- Deliver This Thing *
- Five More Minutes, and Then We Stop *
- Fleeting Moments, Precious Memories *
- Good Day Orphan Tulip *
- I Have the Missing Piece *
- I Want a Baby Brother *
- Monumental Screw Up *
- Ninja Force Attack *
- Orphan Tulip *
- Our New Phones *
- Stork Mountain *
- Suddenly, You're in a Suit *
- The Baby Factory *
- Tulip's Family *
- Wolf Pack *
- Wolf Pack Minivan *
- You'll Find Your Family *