When you strolled into Porphyry You knew exactly one thing about you Your name is Trouble And you didn't have a penny or a clue. The city's locking up As the sun is going down. The streets are empty canyons. You're a stranger in this town. Hell, you're a stranger in your life— And that's trouble. A run‑in with some sketchy types Puts you on a slow freighter to nowhere. And there among your crew, Some ghostly faces from your past—beware. Do you really want to know Why your memories slip like sand? Why your reflexes are lightning? Why there's thunder in your hand? You're a very scary of man— And you're trouble. You could build a life If you could just tear down the walls of secret shame.
You could save your soul If you could only make the ghosts give up their names And tell you everything You don't want to know— Like who the hell you are. Who's the man that dogs your tracks? Who's the child whose laughter haunts your dreams? It's cold consolation That out in space nobody hears your screams. Now you know you're running, And you might not get away. But you want to know the secrets; You pursue them anyway. You'll find a place to make a stand And that's trouble. You'll find a place to take your stand— And make trouble. You'll find a place to make your stand, 'Cos you're Trouble.