Luke Skywalker from star wars is a great example of the epic hero monomyth. Every day in his life represents each step of the epic hero monomyth really well. For example, the beginning of his life fits in well with the status quo perfectly. How he is working the farm and not yet beginning his adventure. Then his call to adventure was perfectly timed. He is bored of doing nothing so he is set on a mission which would be the start of his epic hero monomyth. Soon he gets to his middle point in the epic hero monomyth which represents his crisis. In the middle of his mission he ends up seeing his master die. He is in pain but his teammates help him finish the mission which would lead to the ending of his epic hero monomyth. Throughout all of that he went through all of the steps of the epic hero monomyth. That is why he fits it really well. The hero that I choose for the epic hero monument was the hero of I Am Legend. He goes through every step of it and then some. Just like Luke Skywalker, The hero of I Am Legend is another perfect example of the epic hero monomyth. The hero starts off his status quo living a normal life in New York City but is soon ended and quickly advances to his call to adventure. A zombie like virus spreads throughout nyc and the hero tries to get his family out of the city but as soon as they aboard the plane, the plane crashes and explodes. Time fast forwards and the hero is only survivor in nyc with his pet dog. The hero is already on the trials step when he goes out to get supplies but his dog wanders into a dark building and ends up having to save the dog. He experiences his crisis when he is saved by a family after he goes out and attacks the zombie like creatures by himself when they k**ed his dog shortly after the trial step. The hero and the family find the cure to the virus which would lead the hero to the treasure step in the epic hero monomyth but dies saving the family. Throughout all this, he experienced every step in the epic hero monomyth. This is why he fits it so well.
Both Luke Skywalker and the hero of I Am Legend go through all the steps of the epic hero monomyth but as for who should be looked at as the better role model would be the I Am Legend hero. The I Am Legend hero is a better role model than Luke Skywalker because he shows stronger characteristics and his story isn't as gruesome as Luke's story. Luke's story shows a lot more devastating actions such the k**ing of multiple storm troopers. Those types of things wouldn't exactly show signs as a good role model. The hero from I Am Legend shows how to survive and how to protect such as when he's protecting his pet dog or when he saves the family at the end. All in all in the hero from I Am Legend is a better role model. The story was told better and his story wasn't as gruesome. It provided just enough detail. It was filled with the right amount of everything.