[Warren Schmidt]
I didn't get much sleep last night, so forgive me if I'm a little foggy. But you know, today is a special day. We're here to mark a crossroads in the lives of two people. A crossroads where they come together and now walk along a new road. It's not the same road that they were on before. It's a new road. A road that, uhm (pause) - As many of you know, I lost my wife recently. And Jeannie lost her mother. Helen and I were married 42 years. She died very suddenly. I know we all wish she could be with us today, and I think it would be appropriate to acknowledge just how pleased she was that Jeannie had found someone to share her life with. A companion. A partner....That brings me to what I really want to say. What I want to say, what I really want to say is, uh...
(Long pause)
Thank you, to you, Randall, for taking such good care of my daughter especially recently with our loss. Ever since I arrived here a couple of days ago, I have so enjoyed getting to know Jeannie's new family...Everybody else, terrific people. Terrific. And in conclusion, I just want to say on this special day, this very special day, that I am very pleased.