Spending too much time on the internet Are you ok? you don't seem very into it When i get home i crawl in bed Did you get that voicemail your sister sent? When i explode will you freak out? Ben's never tasted saur kraut I think it's fun i think it's sweet I think it's nice i think you're mean How was work are you okay? How's your mom is she the same? I am good just playing shows You know how that stuff goes I know it's hard for you to see
But this is just what she needs You never got just what she meant You messed it up again, again You went to bed but not to sleep You hurt yourself He is a creep That f**s his kids They hit their friends And disrupt cla** their teacher says I don't know just where i sit Towards the back a little bit She had a big newfie named dom He died young now she's a mom I hope that she is doing ok I think she is in her own way I hope she is doing ok