You can't argue with what you don't know
This is religion
Triple circle seven overflow
Listen, right wing, You're nothing
What God said to me
When i was just an inkling noctuid landscape
Soaring hell-waves, tainted aria
Lies about what faith saves
Our neo-fascist army worm
In your ignorance, I watch you squirm
Blinded visions of superiority
In denial of your own inferiority
Waiting in the wings for you to die
Among other things
Hate is spoken, vows are broken
A skyward glance from scared weaklings
Vows are spoken, hate is broken
But a lifetime's worth of shattered rings
Out of time
Replicative fade
False plastic bombastic parade
Don't you understand?
Differences make us strong
If we're all the same, we won't last long
Over-specialization breeds in weakness
Not the other way around
Dog bless
We're hurting each other
How pathetic can we get?
Look at our past
How could we ever forget?
Loose lips sink ships
From whence the cup that your Lord sips
They pour lies in sore eyes
Your eyes are closed, red-rosed
Filled with tears (of joy?)
Nazism, Fascism, Christianity
All your waking dreams are vanity
Human ambrosia beetle cultivates holy fungus
Psychedelic mushroom cloud hallucination
For church and state salvation
Denied (x10)