In Aeternum - lyrics

Top In Aeternum albums

Top In Aeternum lyrics

Intro (crusade)
Intro (crusade)
In Aeternum


Forever Blasphemy
Forever Blasphemy
In Aeternum


Eternal Devastation
Eternal Devastation
In Aeternum


Devil In Me
Devil In Me
In Aeternum


Demon Possession
Demon Possession
In Aeternum


In Aeternum biography

Led by singer/guitarist David Larsson, In Aeternum is among the many underground d**h metal/black metal bands that came out of Sweden in the early '90s. In Aeternum fits the stereotypical d**h metal image -- its songs are fast, amelodic, and blistering, and its lyrics often focus on the occult and Satanism. The trio was formed during the Summer of 1992, and it wasn't long before Larsson's band was circulating copies of its rehearsal demos Domini Inferi and The ... Show more