Walking down the can*l street
It's filled up to the brim
Lulu White on my left
And Willie Piazza to my right
Don't dig jazz but I like the sound
A hundred days on city park
And a hundred days on fair ground
Gamble house, who*ehouse
And a lot of hard hacks
The pimps and the pricks,
Musicians and their wives
They are all heading down to Pete La Las
They are all heading down to Pete La Las
Flamin' Mama, Crying Emma,
Buck Town Bessie, Dirt Dog,
Steel Arm Johnny, Mary Meat House
Gold Tooth Gussie, Big bu*t Annie,
Naked Muff Mattie, Bird Leg Nora,
Bang Zang, Boxcar Shorty, Sneaky Pete,
Coke Eye Lora
They are all heading down to Pete La Las
They are all heading down to Pete La Las