God is watching I lather on the planet God is washing My fingertips wrinkle as I soak The sky went from a drizzle to a sprinkle Eyes started to twinkle as I spoke I knew it was from the soul I stood as symbol neither of the sinful nor the soap The congregation started swaying Praying to the spraying of the foam Our only interruption was a playlist that was playing on a phone Favorites of the foe Though I'll admit on most occasions even aged moved as cavemen when they came into the fold As the rains began a raging many had not made arrangements for a cloak Splashes leapt at those who lectured as we left them in the cold As a leopard would upon a antelope But even those who were left were not alone But somehow no moisture happened upon the kindling to the kingdom that I wrote The king now had a moat SOAP IS SO SPECIAL SPECIAL SOAP SOAP MAKES YOU CLEAN MAKES YOU GLEAM The clouds were such the sun looked like moon Head honchos were reduced to wearing ponchos Somber was the mood Temples became as doused as did houses of ill repute Balance was improved Batterers endured abuse Those who'd governed now were covered in the color of the mud We'd already been that color tho so we ain't give a what
The fairness of the flood Pride was swallowed as we wallowed in the muck Cowards cowered on much as a cow would chew upon its cud Barons couldn't bear it Barren bears will never mother cubs Others toiled in the soil Now were foiled by the toilet that was flushed But the beggars, they knew better than to rebel against the scrub The reveled at the suds SOAP IS SO SPECIAL SPECIAL SOAP SOAP MAKES YOU CLEAN MAKES YOU GLEAM Water filled my lungs at the conclusion of the quest My teeth had never clenched for the duration of the cleanse From afloat the final focus of my lens Ocean was all that was left Somehow had been reduced to something more, not something less My heart would beat its final beat just as it leapt, for all was on the mend Tho there was not a swimmer amongst the women nor the men To stand up to withstanding the descent No survivor to find solace in any dollars that were spent Throughout history a battle had been fledged Allegiance had been pledged I relished in the victory of the side that I had repped A faucet for the falseness of the idols that the tidal wave had swept I let out a sigh knowing the sky had wept SOAP