Why are your eyes so red? Full of pursuit, to hunt and k**. Why is your drive so strong As opposed to your will Why are your hands so blue? Leaving mark in every thing you do Life absents itself from your tasks Melancholy in it quietly basks Why is your brain so grey? The concrete hits my face every word you say Numbers and facts are the safest bets But the mold may change before its set Why is your tongue so green? Everything alien you must deem Obviously inferior Drought the other side to make yours seem By far greener Why is your heart so black? You forsake the bait and spring trap So willingly one might believe
Your joy comes from such Why is your flower so pink? It's the reason everytime i try to leave That thought dies with ease Every blessed time There is silver so you must be gold If platinum is,your centre will not hold There will always be a raised bar A's will always wish on A stars Why chase perfection when it rejects you? It knows its own pain Rather a free hound than a lion bound To a chain Nature drew the lines and you coloured them in My eyes are a canvas and you may colour again Why is the future so white? So if theres anything we must change we simply colour again.