Here I stand amongst the ruins Skin as white as snow in a wolflike face Red eyes observing The remains of my once ruling race I am the Pale Prince of the Fallen Feeble monarch in a dying age I am the one to watch it falter And to remain last actor on the stage I'm trapped in the eternal struggle Between the powers of Dark and Light Sworn to my saviour and my Nemesis The hellforged runeblade by my side I am the mightiest of all mortals But still a puppet in the play I'm doomed to have no friends, just sorrow Those I once had my sword has slain I'm standing at the Dreaming City's gates Watch the havoc wreaked by me A piece of art, millenia old In just a blink of time it has ceased to be In endless sleep my loved one lies I curse the dark gods for my bitter fate The only one life was worth to live for Has just perished on my hungry blade They call me the Eternal Hero But I don't know for whom I fight Am I a follower of Chaos Or do I strive for Order's light? Stormbringer, the widowmaker
Black bladed sword of malignant greed Devours the souls of my enemies But those of friends are so much sweeter Bound by its powers to grant me strength I raise it to the careless sky The gods of Chaos reel in mocking laughter As they hear my final battlecry Arioch - Mighty Knight of the Sword Arioch - Blood and souls for my Lord Arioch - Born your servant to be Arioch - And your worst enemy Chaos had come down upon the earth By foul Pan-Tangian sorcery Forests burn, proud cities crumble Whole kingdoms fall to drown in boiling seas Amongst the mayhem stands the sole survivor Of the Melnibonean race The gods my people served for aeons Are the same gods I soon will have to face On the warped landscapes of a dying world Chaos and Order fight their final stand I am the last amongst all mortals Awaiting the time when time will end My daemonsword ends the existence Of god or mortal, foe or friend Finally it shall drink its last soul To make mankind be born again