I light this white candle for the maiden Goddess of beginning and the birth of spring She is growth, she is fertility Mirrors all the secret beauty Of nature and all living things I light this green candle for the mother Nurturing and protecting she gave us life Her breasts are heavy with sweet summers milk I grab the Sun Kings antlers, take her as my wife With fire and wax this spell shall begin Invoking the magic from deep within Three candles on my witches altar I feel my power, I will not falter [Refrain (2x):] All my wisdom preserved And bound in a tome For those who shall follow I am turning a page Full of magical lore
In my Book of Shadows Tome of the secrets of Pagans and Witches Volume of knowledge, Of potions and rituals Guide for our dances beneath Lady Moon Book of Arcana, of Sigil and Rune Manual of herbs and of magical spice Diary of noteworthy words of the wise Foliant of creatures of land, air and sea The script of my free will and so mote it be! I light this black candle for the crone, old and wise She reigns in wisdom like an ancient queen She guides us through the winters darkness When our autumn in this world is slowly vanishing Dancing, spinning, Day and Night Along the neverending wheel