Gloria Estefan - lyrics

Top Gloria Estefan albums

Top Gloria Estefan lyrics

Along Came You
Gloria Estefan


Al Verte Partír
Gloria Estefan


Al Verte Partír
Gloria Estefan


Abriendo Puertas
Gloria Estefan


A Toda Maquina
Gloria Estefan


Gloria Estefan biography

As one of the biggest new stars to emerge during the mid-'80s, singer Gloria Estefan predated the coming Latin pop explosion by a decade, scoring a series of propulsive dance hits rooted in the rhythms of her native Cuba before shifting her focus to softer, more ballad-oriented fare. Born Gloria Fajardo in Havana on September 1, 1957, she was raised primarily in Miami, FL, after her father, a bodyguard in the employ of Cuban president Fulgencio Batista, was ... Show more