We both know each other for welt over a year, during which time we've shed many a tear, but throughout it all one thing is clear, i still love you, love you, love you you more than hold the key
Happiness, therefore, i suggest, why don't we get together, once and for all, who knows baby, next year a stork might call, present us with a beautiful sight to see, our own baby all my life i
Asked for very much, never felt the need to take what i could touch, my ambition was without any fuss, to be happy, happy, happy, happy well judging by the time i'm having with you, i'd say it'
E true, now why don't we get together once and for all, who knows baby next year a stork might call, present us with a beautiful sight to see, our own baby; we'll give it everything that money c
Buy, we'll take it with us everywhere we go, because we love it i may not be as handsome as a king, but looks aren't everything, now why don't we get together, once and for all, who knows baby,
Year a stork might call, pre
Sent us with a beautiful sight to see, our own baby our little one, our own baby, it's bound to be a son, just like his father before him.