POOR little child, my pretty boy, Why did the hunter mark thee out? Wert thou betrayed by thine own joy? Singled through childhood's merry shout? And who on such a gentle thing Let slip the Hound that none may bar, That shall o'ertake the swiftest wing And tear the heavens down star by star? And borne away unto the night, What comfort in the vasty hall? Can That which towers from depth to height Melt in Its mood majestical,
And laugh with thee as child to child? Or shall the gay light in thine eyes dropp stricken there before the piled Immutable immensities? Or shall the Heavenly Wizard turn Thy frailty to might in Him, And make my laughing elf to burn Comrade of crested cherubim? The obscure vale emits no sound, No sight, the chase has hurried far: The Quarry and the phantom Hound, Where are they now? Beyond what star?