What makes a Melonball Bounce? A Melonball Bounce, a Melonball Bounce What makes a Melonball Bounce? The ice tart taste of Sprite Sprite makes the Melonball Bounce The Melonball Bounce, the Melonball Bounce Sprite has the tingle that counts Make a Melonball bounce with Sprite Make a Melonball fizz with Sprite Make a Melonball punch with Sprite Make a Melonball float with Sprite
Make a Melonball boat with Sprite Imagine what you can do with Sprite Create something new with Sprite With a melon and a scoop And a bottle of Sprite You can make the prettiest drinks in sight Sprite has the tingle that counts Ice tart taste makes any drink bounce Why not start with a Melonball Bounce Buy a carton of Sprite tonight